The SeniorNet Marlborough Sounds newsletter for July has just been published on our website. You may view it by visiting our website at and selecting the ‘Newsletter’ tab. You can read the interactive version online or download a pdf version for offline viewing.
In particular, please note that our Annual General Meeting will be held in the Linkwater Hall (our room) on Thursday 4th August. However, the Committee decided that 7pm was too late a time to ask our members to come out in the cold weather, so it is being held at 5.30pm. We hope you can come and join us to listen to our Guest Speaker: Community Constable Russ Smith who will discuss scams that plague internet users or are likely to do so in the future. Those who have heard him speak before know what an informative and entertaining speaker he is.
We will have hot soup and bread rolls available ready, to feed your physical needs while Russ feeds your mental ones.
• Welcome by Chair
• Apologies
• Address from Community Constable Russ Smith: Recognising and dealing with scams
• Minutes of previous AGM
• Matters Arising
• Chair’s Annual Report
• Presentation of Annual Accounts
• Setting of subscription
• Election of Officers:
Deputy Chairman
Committee (between 4 and 8 members)
• Appointment of auditor or reviewer
• General business